How to Decode and Cut Renault Laguna3 Key Blade?

I can crochet the lock of Renault Laguna3 but impossible to make a proper reading to cut.
6 drill blades and still no correct combination
I don't understand when they say you have to read it backwards.
1.Lock - How to Disassemble Lock?

2.Decode - What does Backwards/ Reverse mean when reading with laguna3 lishi?
When you decode the lock and have your reading say 123443 reverse the values in positions 3 and 6 , so enter cuts in machine of 122442 and key will work.

3.Cut - Feedback:
Finally managed to cut a key correctly.
Decode everything at the top and take in Xhorse XP005L size by code, va2eh2 sheet ID1923, on raise the blade with a small hold like piece of credit card and it goes quiet.
This hold is also used for the XP005L with M5 Mounts.
cut key