Xhorse VVDI VAG Vehicle Diagnostic Tool Technical Service
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Latest price:US$1,139.00€1,139.00£965.30AU$1,811.01C$1,638.34US$1,099.00€1,099.00£931.40AU$1,747.41C$1,580.804% off
- Item No. SV30
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VVDI for the vehicles VW Audi-Powerful function tool for VAG vehicles
Latest Version: V3.5.4
Frequently Update
Support Most V-A-G Vehicles
Free Download Xhorse V3.5.4 VVDI VAG Software
About Language
Q: Is VVDI only available with English, I want French.
A: "ImmoPlus" has no French, it only has English and Chinese, and "VAG Commander Software" has French.
About Update
Q: How to update VVDI China VAG Vehicle Diagnostic Interface?
A: 1) VVDI Hardware update: use the upgrade tool "Commander Immo Plus" (please contact us to send you) to find out the Serial Number and then send it us, after we complete update, we will send you the updating software, after receiving the software, import it into "commanderupdate v1.3" to update hardware.
2) VVDI software update: once we have the newest version software, we will add the download link at the VVDI description page and remark the additional features.
About Installation
Q1: I can't connect with the interface VVDI I don't know what happened but doesn't connect
A1: Please click column "Video" to watch the Video tutorial, it is about how to connect the VVDI with the computer and the car, and how to install the VVDI driver.
Q2: VVDI got error reading "unable to connect to device", then I use another computer, got the same error, the serial port is Ok.
A2: Please check VVDI driver is successfully installed, have no idea on how to install VVDI driver, please watch the video tutorial uploaded at the column "Video".
About Function
Q1: What's similarities and difference between VAG KM + IMMO TOOL or VVDI China VAG Vehicle Diagnostic Interface?
A1: VVDI support making key for VW Audi Skoda Seat, VAG KM + IMMO TOOL is mainly used to correct mileage, but before buy it you need to tell us the dashboard chip type to see whether our tool work with your dashboard.
Q2: Can VVDI support programmer transponder id48 crypto VW golf v 2007?
A2: Theoretically, VVDI can do, advice you have a try.
Q3: Can VVDI make new key for Polo 2012 even all key lost? Can VVDI program ECU?
A3: yes, VVDI can make key for Polo 2012 even all key lost with "IMMOPlus software", and VVDI is not good at programming ECU for Polo 2012.
Q4: What can make a copy of a key for a Audi A4 2006
A4: There is no good tool for it and maybe you can try for VVDI.
Q5: Which tool can make key and has anti-theft function for VW (Polo, Golf) or Audi (A4, A3, A6)?
A5: Try to use VVDI.
Q6: I wonder if VVDI le pin code of the immobilizer and writes the key and remote control on 2009 Jetta a / t leandro
A6: It can read pin code. As for programming key for Jetta 2009, try to use T300 or VVDI.
Q7: I'm involved in a project that consists in a clustar swap. We have an VW EOS 2008 with a micronas dash and we want to swap the clustert with a VW EOS 2010 NEC dash (I’m not sure if NEC24C64 or NEC24C32).
Although the wiring is different we were able to connect the new cluster, and it seems to work OK
Problems start with the immo ….. We think that if we had the PINCODE/SKC from both clusters we would be able to match the new cluster with the ECU (and we would be able to match the keys). So I'd like to know if the software VAG KM+IMMO is able to get the PIN CODE of this cluster.
I know your ad says it car read/write the EEPROM, it can correct the mileage, but is it able to help me in any way???
A7: Please note that VAG KM+IMMO can read PIN CODE. If your car's dash type is NEC24C32, you can directly use VAG KM+IMMO tool; if it is NEX24C64, you have to buy one "NEC24C64 Update Module for VAG KM + IMMO TOOL" to use with VAG KM + IMMO TOOL.
Q8: I need to know if you could update China VVDI, I'm interested in the last version, I bought you this item but he version is 8.6, Could you do it? Thanks so much
A8: yeah, please free download: immoplus 10.0 from http://www.chinaautodiag.com/search/?q=VVDI
Q9:I wonder if this le pin code of the immobilizer and writes the key and remote control on 2009 Jetta a / t leandro
A9: It can read pin code. As for programming key for Jetta 2009, we suggest you choose vas 5054a.
Q10: I'm interested in VVDI China VAG Vehicle Diagnostic Interface, but I need to know if it updating, and if it have a user manual, I need to know how work it , and the better, could you please give me the better price , and I need a small case for this. thanks so much,
A10: It always have updating for IMMO Plus software.
Q11: I need to know if China VVDI modify VIN, and read PIN for a Tiguan model 2010 or Bora 2010 thanks so much
A11: It can change VIN code. So far, VVDI can't read pin code for Tiguan model 2010 and Bora 2010. But we will have the newest version update software.
Q12: When do passat b6 and other car model remind "This function need Condor automatic cutting machine authorize)"
That mean should buy the authorization
VVDI Update Information:
Newest version VVDI 3.5.3(2015-10-28)
1.This version need the newest firmware support
2.Fixb bug for A3/TT/R8 CDC32xx
3.Auto reset cluster after change KM in touareg CAN cluster
4.Fixb bug for learn key in touareg k protocol
5.Add new type for 2013 NEC24C64 TFT color display(3D cluster with SW:0703)
6.Add support to flash E type FRF firmware
7.Immobilizer data tool - Santana immobox 24C04 bug fix
8.Immobilizer data tool - Yamaha Moric S29190 bug fix
9.Immobilizer data tool - Fix bug for landrover 9S12
10.Immobilizer data tool - add support GreatWall Delphi immobox 93C66 - 6pins
11.Immobilizer data tool - add support Rover Discovery 3
12.Immobilizer data tool - fix bug for Koleos 9S12 make key with PCF7936 transponder