Remote Response Distance Comparison: Xhorse, OEM, Other Aftermarket Key

How far does 3 different keys response to a Honda?

Compare 3 keys to see how far their remotes can control a Honda Pilot 2005.

Xhorse, OEM, Other Aftermarket Key



Another aftermarket key

Xhorse Flip Key


Let's see the comparison chart:

  OEM Aftermarket Xhorse (XELEX0EN)
Beside car
100 Feet
200 Feet
300 Feet × √ (beep once) ×
280 Feet × ×
250 Feet × ×
200 Feet (2nd time) ×
300 Feet (2nd time) ×
400 Feet (can't see the car) × × ×
350 Feet (Still see the car) × ×
400 Feet (2nd time) × × ×

So, 350-400 feet, Xhorse wins.