Xhorse Key Cutting Machine Cut Mercedes Benz HU64 Key Tips
Several tips on Cutting Benz HU64 Key by Xhorse Key Cutting Machine.
Difference among 3 Benz HU64 options:
1. HU64-1/ -2/ -3 and the years before and after 2010, a different distance in first bitting
2. Before 2010, the first step at a distance of 580 means 5.8mm; same on others, HU64-2 4.5mm, hu64-3 3.8mm
How to select different HU64 options?
1.Check shoulder
Single shoulder or double, single shoulder is hu64-3; if not, the others.

2.Lishi door
If 9 wafers, it's hu64-3 if 10 it's hu64-1 or 64-2.