VVDI MB BGA Tool Update Information History List
*** 2017-01-07
*** Require firmware V2.1.7
===== BENZ V2.1.7 =====
1. Attention: All user update device to firmware v2.1.7, software v2.1.7
2. User manual v1.7 released, overview v1.7 released
3. BGA password calculation: bugfix for lost all key W216, W164 2009-
4. Exchange W204 ESL withou renew EIS. In ESL Tools, write EIS with password(Select Auto clear TP and personalized)
5. Activate key: Change key status from unuse to used
6. Bugfix for read v57 version password from key with NEC key adaptor
7. Bugfix
*** 2017-01-06
*** Require firmware V2.1.6
===== BENZ V2.1.6 =====
1. Attention: All user update device to firmware v2.1.6, software v2.1.6
2. User manual v1.7 released, overview v1.7 released
3. BGA password calculation: Add support for lost all key W216, W164 2009-
4. Exchange W204 ESL withou renew EIS. In ESL Tools, write EIS with password(Select Auto clear TP and personalized)
5. Activate key: Change key status from unuse to used
6. Bugfix for read v57 version password from key with NEC key adaptor
7. Bugfix
*** 2016-12-23
*** Require firmware V2.1.5
===== BENZ V2.1.5 =====
1. Attention: All user update device to firmware v2.1.5, software v2.1.5
2. Support read old type w209, w211 password via IR directly
3. Support activate blnak BGA key(0CF4)
4. Bugfix for data acquisition in some old key version
5. Language bugfix
*** 2016-09-12
*** Require firmware V2.1.4
===== BENZ V2.1.4 =====
1. Attention: All user update device to firmware v2.1.4, software v2.1.4
2. Support get password from w204, w207 EIS while lost all key
*** 2016-09-06
*** Require firmware V2.1.2
===== BENZ V2.1.3 =====
1. Attention: All user update device to firmware v2.1.2, software v2.1.3
2. Fix bug for time out when get erase password or key file
*** 2016-09-02
*** Require firmware V2.1.2
===== BENZ V2.1.2 =====
1. Attention: All user update device to firmware v2.1.2, software v2.1.2
2. User manual v1.6 released, overview v1.6 released
3. Support Repair KM: Menu->Special Function->KM Repair, support w204, w207, w212, w211, w166, w246, w231, w205
4. Support read/write gateway: Menu->Special Function->Read/Write CGW(ZGW)
5. Support Read/Activate blank BGA key(0CF4): Read Write Key->Read blank BGA(0CF4) EIS data
6. Support read current HASH in key(Repair key): Read Write Key->Key current HASH (Repair key)
7. Support unlock key track: EIS Tools->IR->Enable Key
8. Support another type (Continental)ISM read/write/erase
9. Bugfix
*** 2016-06-28
*** Require firmware V2.1.1
===== BENZ V2.1.1 =====
1. Attention: All user update device to firmware v2.1.1, software v2.1.1
2. Add connection diagram for new NEC key adaptor
3. Support repair W204 ESL fatal error and repair old motorola ELV. you need buy an extra adaptor for ESL
4. Bugfix
*** 2016-05-31
*** Require firmware V2.0.9
===== BENZ V2.1.0 =====
1. Fixbug for write original NEC key via IR
2. Fixbug for show finish error information in IR read password
*** 2016-05-29
*** Require firmware V2.0.9
===== BENZ V2.0.9 =====
1. Attention: All user update device to firmware v2.0.9, software v2.0.9
2. User manual v1.5 released, overview v1.5 released
3. Support new sprinter W906 motorola EEPROM dump prepare key file
4. Support read password via IR for old motorola EIS (HC05, HC08, K-Line)
5. Support W204 ESL Emulator: only support VVDI W204 emulator, you must renew it before use
6. Support OBD read W164, W211, W209, W169 EIS without gateway, you need buy an extra adaptor
7. Fixbug for make only 1 key file in motorola EEPROM dump
8. Fixbug for read v51 version password from key
9. After read password from v51, v57 key, will fix the key automatically
10. Bugfix
*** 2016-04-06
*** Require firmware V2.0.8
===== BENZ V2.0.8 =====
1. Attention: All user update device to firmware v2.0.8, software v2.0.8
2. User manual v1.3 released, overview v1.4 released
3. Add support renew/write NEC keys, keyless keys on board. Attention: New NEC adaptor is option component, Purchase from dealer
4. Fix bug in prepare key file for some B200 (W169) make key file
5. Fix bug in passwod calculation for some W216
6. Add support write renewed NEC keys, blank BGA keys etc
7. Bugfix
*** 2016-02-26
*** Require firmware V2.0.7
===== BENZ V2.0.7 =====
1. Attention: All user update device to firmware v2.0.7, software v2.0.7, the lower version dont support password calculation
2. User manual v1.2 released, overview v1.3 released
3. Add support for renew ECU/Gearbox/ISM etc
4. Fix diable key in K-Line protocol
5. Fix clear TP in K-Line protocol
6. Fix read key bug in password calculation
7. Bugfix
*** 2016-01-16
*** Require firmware V2.0.6
===== BENZ V2.0.6 =====
1. Attention: All user update device to firmware v2.0.6, software v2.0.6, the lower version dont support password calculation
2. User manual v1.1 released, overview v1.2 released
3. Add support for disable key
4. Fix bug for test W164, W221 EIS status
5. Fix bug for write EIS data
6. Bugfix
*** 2016-01-07
*** Require firmware V2.0.5
===== BENZ V2.0.5 =====
1. Attention: All user update device to firmware v2.0.5, software v2.0.5, the lower version dont support password calculation
2. Add password calculation for lost all key. Support W166, W246, W212, W212(old). After success find password, it will need pay 2 calculation times
3. Password calculation with working key support: add working key test before data acquisition
4. Add EIS status test, working key test function
5. Fix bug for OBD read W203, W639, W463(K) EIS
6. Autodetect W212 EIS with ELV
7. Fix bug for read v51 key password via NEC adaptor
8. Add IR repair key function
9. Bugfix
*** 2015-12-14
*** Require firmware V2.0.0
===== BENZ V2.0.3 =====
1. Password Calculation: Read EIS under OBD mode will check car power automatically. Avoid lost data in EIS
*** 2015-12-13
*** Require firmware V2.0.0
===== BENZ V2.0.2 =====
1. Support prepare key file with v11 format
*** 2015-12-12
*** Require firmware V2.0.0
===== BENZ V2.0.1 =====
1. VVDI-MB TOOL released verison
2. For the detail please view user manual(Menu->Options->User Manual)
*** Test Version
VVDI-MB TOOL V1.0.3 Public test version
VVDI-MB TOOL V1.0.2 Beta test version
VVDI-MB TOOL V1.0.1 Beta test version